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Dirah Academy Email Correspondence Courses:

Learn Vedic Astrology by studying your own Vedic chart with one-to-one tutor support and prompt feedback.  A unique learning opportunity.

Each course provides 100 flexible study hours, is approved by CVA (Council  of Vedic Astrology), has an internationally recognised Certificate of Dirah Academy, provides progression to a Diploma in Advanced Vedic Astrology, and costs just £250.

Many graduates of Dirah Academy have gone on to become professional practising Vedic Astrologers.

Dirah Academy is pleased to be at the ‘leading edge’ of providing distance-learning courses and certification in Vedic Astrology for over 20 years. 

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Steven J Hubball PhD

Steve obtained a PhD in Genetics from The University of Birmingham in 1978 and then followed a career in Education.  After learning Transcendental Meditation in 1984, Steve discovered a whole new world of Vedic philosophy and subsequently embarked on a life-long study of Yoga and Vedic Science.  Steve is a member of the British Association for Vedic Astrology (BAVA) and a Life Member of the Council of Vedic Astrology (CVA), and received the award of Jyotish Kovid from the CVA in 2011.

Steve has been practising Vedic Astrology professionally since 2000 and has been a long term student of his Jyotish Guru, Pandit Sanjay Rath, the world’s leading light in Vedic Astrology, and Steve is now a Certified Jaimini Scholar and one of the few certified teachers of the Jaimini Scholar Program.  Steve has published over 30 articles in many different astrology journals, runs workshops in Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda, and has been a guest speaker at many recent International BAVA Conferences in London, the 1st International Conference of the German Vedic Astrology Association, and The Ayurvedic Practitioners Association Conference in London in 2009.

Steve is the UK Director for Dirah Academy International, which offers email correspondence courses in Vedic Astrology from beginner to advanced level.  He is also a qualified and experienced counsellor and Professional Certified Life Coach as well as a qualified Yoga Teacher, and has practiced yoga and Transcendental Meditation for over 35 years.  Steve offers his clients a professional astrological consultation service and many students are studying with him privately, including several on the Jaimini Scholar Porgram.

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Just a small sample of the many testimonials I have received from over 20 years of teaching these courses.

The Dirah Courses are different from anything in the line of correspondence courses I have ever before encountered.  I think it is because they engage you fully in the process of learning and mainly with your own chart; you are not just pupil and teacher, but more rather as partners in the fascinating process of learning Jyotish.  Highly recommended, with excellent tutoring and guidance from Steve.

Steve is an excellent teacher; he is very knowledgeable, clear and precise and is also very encouraging and positive.  I have found these qualities very important in studying such a vast and profound subject as Jyotish.  When I started the course I did not know what to expect but as I have progressed I have been more and more impressed by the way that such complex topics have been explained simply and clearly; not only this but one learns how to apply these concepts straight away in a practical manner.

C.W. (Brighton, UK)

B.G.S. (Bath, UK)

Thank you for marking my assignment so thoroughly with helpful comments; I am now feeling much more confident in my approach.

Please find enclosed my final assignment.  I have really enjoyed this journey – it has revealed much to me – I will endeavour to practice now on new charts.

T.P. (Middlesex, UK)

T.P. (Middlesex, UK)

Many thanks for your speedy response to my last assignment and the beautiful certificates which arrived today.  I’d like to thank you for your help and support during the course, not least your patience when I’ve had a problem grasping something or merely misreading the text!  There’s a stunning amount of information in the courses and I know I’ll be dipping back into the course notes for years to come.

This is just to thank you for tutoring me through the four Vedic Astrology courses.  You’ve been so patient and encouraging and I’ve really appreciated that.  It’s quite remarkable how much the courses cover – I keep going back to them and finding even more than I first realised.

C.E. (Newcastle, UK)

C.E. (Newcastle, UK) – Dirah Diploma: Advanced Studies in Vedic Astrology

I very much appreciate your deep and extremely helpful remarks and judgements, which I will need to re-read and meditate on many times.  I am finding your course immensely valuable and incisive.  It is living with me a lot of the time.

The course is so thoughtfully and beautifully set out!

G.B. (Huddersfield, UK)

B.H. (Luton, UK)

A short note to thank you for all your assistance with the course and the extra tutorials are really helpful –  It’s such a vast subject to study, I wonder how people manage just on reading books only.

S.S. (Glastonbury, UK)

I have thoroughly enjoyed the courses and can’t thank you enough for all your wonderful help and expertise, through which I have learned at least as much as the courses themselves. You are a superb tutor.

C.W. (Brighton, UK) – Dirah Diploma: Advanced Studies in Vedic Astrology

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Each course is £300 or 2 instalments of £175


Please note that this is a complete course in its own right.  There are 14 extensive lessons, and at the end of the course you will be able to undertake a complete systematic house-by-house analysis of the Vedic Horoscope of friends and family.  Topics covered include:

Introduction to Vedic Astrology, The Sidereal Zodiac, The Ayanamsha, Planets Signs and Houses, Planetary Friendship, House Lordship, Temporary Benefics & Malefics, Aspects, Yogas, Dashas, Varga Charts, Remedial Measures, Ayurveda and Chart Analysis.

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This course follows on from our Foundation Course and covers more advanced material and more chart interpretation.  Together with Course 1, these two courses cover all the essentials you need for Vedic chart interpretation. Topics include:

Nakshatras, Shadbala, Ashtakavarga, Tajika Astrology, Horary Astrology, Muhurta & Prashna, Varshaphal, Relationship Compatibility, More Varga Charts, Bhava Charts, Chart Analysis



Module 3 explores many of the advanced techniques that are encountered in Vedic Astrology.  These include:

Jaimini Astrology, Chara Dasha, Systems Approach, Krishnamurti Paddhati, Transits, Western Aspects, Outer Planets, Bhrigu & Tertiary Progressions, Eclipses, Astrocartography

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Module 4 completes our Dirah training in Vedic Astrology with an overview of many advanced knowledge topics needed by the practising Vedic Astrologer:

Birth Time Rectification, Starting an Astrological Practice, Advanced Stellar Astrology (KP), Yogi & Avayogi, Advanced Relationship Compatibility, Fatal Degrees, Rashi Tulya Navamsha, Working with Dispositors, Hora Chart, More Yogas

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For students who complete all 4 modules, Dirah Academy awards its own Advanced Diploma in Vedic Astrology.  We realise the amount of work and effort it takes to complete our courses, which are of a very high standard.  As a result, we believe that the Dirah Diploma recognises the high level of study, expertise and commitment of our Dirah students.  In being awarded this Diploma, it shows that the student has an excellent understanding of the different techniques in Jyotish and can use these techniques wisely and effectively.  It is also a good qualification for those who wish to practice Vedic Astrology professionally.  Moreover, Dirah Academy has many centres throughout the world, and so this Diploma is an internationally recognised qualification.

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Please contact me in order to schedule a Vedic Astrology Consultation, Vedic Yagya or Gemstone recommendation, Birth Time rectification, or for information about the Jaimini Scholar Program.

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I have conducted over 1000 consultations over the last 20 years or so.  This uplifting and empowering consultation aims to give you a comprehensive overview of your Vedic horoscope and the karmic patterns it reflects.  Areas discussed include health, career, finances, relationships, personal strengths and challenges, spiritual growth and future trends.  The fee is £195.  Please note that there may be an additional fee for Birth Time Rectification if an accurate birth time is not known.

Yagya -


Yagyas are specific Vedic procedures that help enliven the support of Natural Law.  I have been involved with for over 20 years now and highly recommend their yagya programs.  I have been hosted by our priests in Kanchipuram and also in Varanasi, where the father of our Chief Priest was Professor of Jyotish at Benares University for 30 years.  I have testimonials from many satisfied clients, friends and family. Please contact me for further information.



With Vedic Astrology, it is possible to provide an auspicious time (Muhurta) to begin a new venture, such as marriage, starting a new business or travel, buying a property etc, to ensure that one has maximum support from Nature.  The fee is £150.

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From 2007 to 2011 I trained with Pandit Sanjay Rath in India on a 5 year program to study the Jaimini Sutras of Maharishi Jaimini, an advanced system of Vedic Astrology.  I was one of a small batch of international students to receive this illustrious teaching, and since 2008 I have been teaching the program privately to students on a one-to-one basis, and 12 students have now completed this program with me.

Home: In the Press


All The Answers You Seek, In One Place


“Know Thyself!”  This is the eternal wisdom spoken by all the world religions and great spiritual teachers.  But how can this be achieved?  The key is Vedic Astrology (known as Jyotish), the most profound and ancient system of astrology based on the eternal Truth and timeless wisdom of the ancient Seers and Vedic texts of India.  Moreover, unlike astrology in the West, Vedic Astrology has always been a central part of Indian society and culture, where it is regarded as a Divine Science.  It is the ‘practical application’ of Karmic Theory, that eternal Law of Nature which states: “As you sow, so shall you reap”.


Your Vedic birth chart is essentially a map of your karmas, a reflection of your soul’s destiny in this lifetime, and reveals the relationship between your life and the Universe, your connection with the Cosmos, and your dharma.  This relationship can be expressed in cycles of time, which is unique to Vedic Astrology, giving a system for predicting future trends and events, including health, profession, finances, family, relationships and spiritual evolution.


Vedic Astrology uses the ‘true astronomical position’ of the planets.  By contrast, Western Astrology uses a ‘tropical zodiac’ that is based on the seasons – which means that the beginning of the zodiac at ‘zero degrees Aries’ is determined by the position of the Sun on the Spring Equinox (21st March).  However, due to a slight wobble in the Earth’s rotation about its own axis, this ‘equinoctal point’ is moving backwards in the zodiac at the rate of 1 degree every 72 years, such that the Sun’s position on the 21st March now is actually at 6 degrees Pisces (a difference of 24 degrees). This is known as ‘the Precession of the Equinox’ and it means that you have to subtract 24 degrees from all your Western planetary positions to obtain their Vedic positions.  Of course, you may find that a planet moves back to the previous sign!


As a professional Vedic Astrologer, my aim is to help clients understand themselves and the karmas that they are working with in this incarnation.  As we know, nothing happens by chance, and Vedic Astrology is truly a tool for Self-knowledge and Self-realisation.  Knowing and understanding your birth chart allows you to focus on your dharma, or life purpose, to live life in harmony with Nature and Cosmic Law, and to be aware of the different cycles of your life – to go with the flow and not swim against the tide!


Having a Vedic Astrology consultation (in person or via telephone) is enjoyable, uplifting and empowering, and aims to give you a comprehensive overview of your Vedic horoscope and the karmic patterns it reflects.  Areas discussed include relationships, career, health, personal strengths and challenges, spiritual growth and future trends.  Your Vedic horoscope also reveals your natural talents and your karmic destiny regarding career, dharma and right livelihood, in addition to identifying the best time to make a new career move, while relationship compatibility analysis can provide an effective appraisal of the planetary dynamics existing within personal and business relationships.  With Vedic Astrology it is also possible to find the most auspicious time to begin a new venture (Muhurta), such as marriage, starting a new business, buying a house etc, to ensure that one has maximum support from Nature.


I have been studying Yoga and Vedic Science since 1985 and am also an experienced counsellor, yoga teacher and professional life-coach with The Coaching Academy.  This gives me the unique ability of combining life-coaching with astrological insight to offer my clients an opportunity for holistic guidance and support on an ongoing basis.  As one recent client describes, “the two previous sessions we had have profoundly changed my life and have given me a greater understanding of myself and how I work within the world around me, which has been so positive”.


Ayurveda, India’s system of Natural Health Care, is the ‘sister science’ to Vedic Astrology.  Using Vedic Astrology, we can determine one's specific Ayurvedic constitution (prakriti), and hence offer advice and guidance on diet and simple daily routines for better health.


There are many specific Vedic remedies (Upayes) to help alleviate our challenging karma, such as mantra, meditation, yoga, yantra, diet, fasting, herbs, charity, service, worship and prayer.  In addition, specific Vedic ceremonies (pujas and yagyas) and gem stones can be recommended to alleviate certain astrological weaknesses and difficult karma, including health problems.


I am the UK Director for Dirah Academy International which offers email correspondence courses in Applied Vedic Astrology (foundation and advanced), in which you learn the subject by studying your own horoscope and working at your own pace, receiving prompt feedback on your assignments.  These certificate courses are credited by The Council of Vedic Astrology and lead to the Dirah Academy International Diploma in Advanced Studies in Vedic Astrology.

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The following 30 published articles are available in a bound volume or for download.
Please contact me for further information.
(Articles marked by * were written jointly with my student Mark Baverstock)

Relationship Compatibility & The Importance of Astrological Counselling (Gochara Vol 2, Issue 1, 2000)

Planetary Friendship and Dignity (Gochara Vol 4, Issue 1, 2002)

The Nakshatras: The 27 Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology.  The Primordial Zodiac of Ancient India

(The Astrological Journal 2003, and The Astrological Society of New Zealand Journal Vol 115, 2004)

The Horoscope of Queen Anne (Gochara Vol 6, Issue 1, 2004)

The Kings and Queens of Great Britain (Gochara Vol 6, Issue 1, 2004)

Amir Khan, an Olympic Boxing Star (Gochara Vol 6, Issue 2, 2004)

American Presidents & British Monarchs: A Comparative Research Study (Gochara Vol 6, Issue 2, 2004)

 Mahapurusha Yogas of British Monarchs and American Presidents (Gochara Vol 7, Issue 1, 2006)

The Raja Yogas of British Monarchs and American Presidents (Gochara Vol 8, Issue 1, 2007)

Savitur Aditya, Shakespeare & The Magic Power of Words (Jyotish Digest Vol 3, Issue 4, 2007)

A Brief Analysis of the Horoscope of Stephen Hawking (Gochara Vol 9, Issue 1, 2008)

An Introduction to Jaimini Astrology (Gochara Vol 9, Issue 1, 2008)

Yogis, Astrologers and Cosmologists: Yogas for Cosmic Intelligence (Jyotish Digest, Vol 4, Issue 2, 2008)

Planetary Intervention: Argala (Gochara Vol 10, Issue 1, 2009; Jyotish Digest Vol 5, Issue 3, 2009)

The Seven Grahas and The Seven Ages of Man (Gochara Vol 11, Issue 1, 2010)

Kidney Disease: A Preliminary Research Study (Gochara Vol 11, Issue 1, 2010)

The Vimshottari Dasha Sequence of Grahas: A Secret Unveiled? (Gochara Vol 12, Issue 1, 2011)

Vitiligo (Leukoderma): A Case Study (Gochara Vol 13, Issue 1, 2012; Jyotish Digest Vol 8, Issue 2, 2012)

Predicting With Naisargika Dasha (Gochara Vol 13, Issue 1, 2012; Jyotish Digest Vol 9, Issue 1, 2013)

Great Warriors: Ruchaka Yoga Meets Shula Yoga  (Gochara Vol 14, Issue 1, 2013)

Jaimini Sutras for Snake Bike: A Case Study (Gochara Vol 14, Issue 1, 2013)

Raja Yoga (Gochara Vol 15, Issue 1, 2014)

Yogis, Astrologers and Cosmologists: Planetary Yogas for Cosmic Intelligence (Gochara, Vol 16, Issue 1, 2015)

Tennis Champions (Gochara Vol 17, Issue 1, 2016)

Female Tennis Champions (Gochara Vol 18, Issue 1, 2017)

*Great Singers (Gochara Vol 19, Issue 1, 2018)

*Cosmic Rhythm and Musical Rhythm (Gochara Vol 20, Issue 1, 2019)

*Leonardo da Vinci and the Great Artists (Gochara Vol 21, Issue 1, 2020)

*The Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writers (Gochara Vol 21, Issue 1, 2020)

The Great Classical Composers (Gochara 2023)

Vedic Yagyas (Gochara 2023)

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"My role as an astrologer is to inspire and empower people to live their highest vision in a context of love and joy, and to uplift humanity's consciousness."


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Please contact me by email or phone to get started on your amazing journey into Vedic Astrology!  Each course is just £300 (or 2 instalments of £175) and I also accept PayPal.

01228 674 225 (UK)

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